Pick the Perfect Plucker for the Farm or Homestead

All purpose plucker for chickens, turkeys, ducks, game hens, and more.

Listen in to my episode of Pastured Poultry Talk, as I discuss the decision points of finding the right plucker for you.

The primary decisions points about selecting an appropriately sized chicken plucker comes down to the following:

  • Match the scalder/plucker capacity.
  • Purchase a scalder based on processing day volume.
  • Know your power requirements.
  • Evaluate the design.
  • Factor in your budget.

Making a purchase like this is often follows a familiar pattern. You identify all the “requirements” and then you see if your budget supports your choice. If the budget and your requirements don’t align, you make compromises.Match plucker size to scalder size

For completeness, you should also match the kill cone size to the size of your equipment as well, but let’s stay focused on the plucker and scalder. Here are the chicken plucker and scalder combos that you should select based on the processing-day capacity. If you’re considering other brands, do the same evaluation.

You want to avoid using a scalder with a capacity of four chickens with a plucker that is capable of 16 chickens. That won’t produce a good pluck.

I recommend that if you do mismatch your equipment size, you choose a scalder that’s bigger than your plucker. Then kill to the capacity of the plucker.